Understanding the fuel that feeds a fire is crucial for effective wildfire management and prescribed burning practices. On this page, we've curated a selection of informative videos to enhance your understanding of fire fuels. From the fundamentals of what constitutes fuel in a wildfire scenario, to advanced concepts like fuel models, loading, and the impact of topography, these resources are designed to deepen your knowledge.

Introduction to Fuels

Explore the basics of fire fuels in this introductory video. Learn about the different types of materials that can feed a fire, their characteristics, and why understanding fuels is crucial for effective fire management.

Fire Behavior/Fuel Models

Dive into the complex relationship between fire behavior and fuel models. This video explains how different fuel types influence the way fires ignite, spread, and can be managed.

Fuel Loading

Fuel loading refers to the amount of combustible material present in an area. This video provides an in-depth look at how fuel loading impacts fire intensity and the importance of assessing fuel loads in fire management.

Photoload Sampling

Photoload sampling is a method for estimating fuel load through photography. Watch this video to understand how this technique is used in the field to measure and analyze fuel loads accurately.

Topographic Influences

Topography plays a significant role in fire behavior. This video examines how various topographic features, like slopes and valleys, affect the way fires burn and spread in different landscapes.

Want to learn more?

If you find yourself with lingering questions or seeking more specific information, we're here to help. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us through the contact form. Whether you're a landowner, student, or simply curious about prescribed burns and wildfire management, our team is eager to share their expertise and guide you further in your understanding.