The 7 essential steps of planning a safe and successful prescribed burn.
1. Connect with your local PBA
Your local PBA can offer guidance through all these steps to help make your burn safe and successful.
2. Schedule a Site Visit
Organize a site visit of the burn unit with a PBA representative, Cascadia Conservation District or DNR. They will help determine the unit, objectives, and any actions for site preparation.
3. Start a Burn Plan
The PBA has burn plan templates you can fill out yourself or hire a contractor.
4. Apply for the burn permit
With your burn plan apply through the DNR’s Burn Portal.
5. Prepare the burn unit
Do pre-treatment for your burn unit and put in control lines.
6. Burn Day!
Rally the PBA members, fire equipment, volunteer fire departments, and local agencies to your burn. Provide food and beverages for merriment.
7. After Action Review (AAR)
Take time as a group to review how the burn went. Enjoy each others company around coals and cooked meats.
Interested in planning a burn?
Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!