Fire Fest 2025

Fire Reverie

March 12, 2025 - Wenatchee River Institute 6-10pm

Bringing warmth and light to the night gather with us around fire! Enjoy a sauna, cold plunge, wood fired food, an open mic for stories, poetry, music and your communities company.

Fire of Choice

How we can protect our forests and communities

March 25th 7-8:30 Pybus University

Spend the evening viewing the effects of wildfire through the lens of photographer John Marshall and the research of Paul Hessberg. Leave the event with a better understanding of the historical role of fire, its current effects, and how local efforts are being made to prepare for a more resilient landscape.

Learn and Burn

April 5th 8-4pm, Camp Camrec, Leavenworth WA.

This one-day family friendly event brings people of all skill and experience levels together to learn about prescribed fire. Participants will gain practical experience in fire planning, preparation, controlled burning techniques, as well as holding and mop-up procedures.A follow-up Live fire event is generally scheduled shortly after the learn and burn.

Fire Film Fest

April 16th, 6-8pm Wenatchee River Institute

A curated series of short films all with a theme of fire and forest health. Guest Speakers will be present to answer questions about things happening locally around fire and how you can get involved.

Pile and Biochar Workshops

April 19th and Additional Date in May TBD

Learn efficient burn pile construction techniques and safe burning practices to help mitigate smoke impacts and reduce the risk of escapes. We'll also cover how to operate a flame cap kiln for turning woody material into biochar.

Community Events

Enjoy these fun community events and say hi to us at the PBA booth.

Leavenworth Fire Fighter Challenge- April 26th Skill Hill Park.

Earth Day Fair- April 27th 11-4 Enchantment Park Leavenworth, WA.

Chumstick Wildfire Annual Town Hall- April 30th Snowy Owl Theater Leavenworth, WA

Prescribed Burn Site Tours


The PBA will be leading site tours of some of the units from the Fall burn season. This is a unique opportunity to see what grows back the first Spring and how the ecology responds from the fire. Join our email list to be notified of opportunities.



Whether you are a landowner, contractor, or agency employee, every burn needs a plan. In this workshop, we go through the WA DNR Broadcast Burn Plan template and how to apply for a permit in the WA DNR Burn Portal. There will be discussions on technology and apps to assist with this processes as well as time to workshop plans.

Live Burns

Join our mailing list and be notified of when live burns are going to be happening so that you can come observe or participate.

Want to learn more?

If you find yourself with lingering questions or seeking more specific information, we're here to help. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us through the contact form. Whether you're a landowner, student, or simply curious about prescribed burns and wildfire management, our team is eager to share their expertise and guide you further in your understanding.